Pete Seeger–a class act and a reason not to paddle faster when hearing banjos

Photo credit by Do Kwan Come gather 'round, club kids and pay ye attention. There's someone you should know about. A piece of history died earlier this week. Someone as controversial as any rapper or rock star, yet someone with immense influence on musicians even today. I'm talkin' Pete Seeger. Pete Seeger was a political … Continue reading Pete Seeger–a class act and a reason not to paddle faster when hearing banjos

getting into my sound

I see one aspect of DJ'ing being the art of balancing the desires of the audience with one's own sound. I think DJ's, whether consciously or unconsciously, have their own sound and style, and it's something audiences can often identify even when the DJ's themselves can't.  In my new introduction and artist's statement, I define my sound as an effort to explore alternative forms of beauty and inspiration.  I did pretty well with that last night, I think.

the dj set from the other night…and a defense of hip-hop

But it's also true that a lot of people have a visceral reaction to hip-hop, particularly here in Madison, and I feel like I need to say something about that.  As for the people who left the comments at the Barefoot Boogie, I don't know what the basis of their objection is.  But a lot of people view hip-hop as a negative force in our society--as if all of it celebrated misogyny, violence, gang life, and the like.