The face looked similar, and she appeared to be tall like my friend, but for the life of me couldn't tell whether it was her or not. So I decided to take a chance and request her as a friend. I figured, if it was her, then I'd be able to reunite with a friend I hadn't seen in a long time, and if it wasn't her, well, it didn't matter because this person wouldn't know me anyway.
hello, i’m still here (or, the threads that connect us)
I've been bad about blogging recently. For the first two weeks it was due to writer's block, but in the last week or so we've had a problem with our Internet connection at our house.
choosing a public transportation lifestyle
A car-free lifestyle has numerous advantages. I don't have to worry about car payments, repair bills, rising gas prices, maintenance, shoveling out the car in the winter, or road conditions.
storm clouds and the sky in transition
I first noticed the dark clouds as I was walking from a restaurant on Park Street to the Washington Hotel Coffee Room on Lakeside Street. The clouds were a deep grey-blue-black and I was glad they weren't over me. I got a good view of them as I walked along South Shore Drive at the bottom of Monona Bay, and I could feel it. Change was in the air.
a morning walk in the fog
This morning I woke up to find that relatively thick fog had enshrouded my neighborhood. I decided to forgo making breakfast in favor of buying it at work, and go for a walk around the neighborhood to take in the newly eerie scenery.
exploring southwest Wisconsin
Southwest Wisconsin always has had a special place in my heart. It is an area unaffected by the glaciers which covered the land tens of thousands of years ago, and there are a lot of bluffs and valleys covering that corner of the state.
september is a great time for a vacation
I am on vacation this week. After weeklong vacations in March and June, I felt September would be a good time for another vacation.
losing ourselves in the orange street lights
It wasn't until I moved from downtown Madison to this near East Side neighborhood a year ago that I realized how much darker it is on Madison's streets than in Chicago. I and two other Chicago transplants were the first to move into this co-op house after it had been vacated by its previous tenants, and we were taken aback by how dark it got in the house at night.
confessions of someone who used to party like a Rockstar
I first encountered these energy beverages in 2004, a time when I was driving frequently between Chicago and Madison. My return trips were sometimes kind of late at night--10:30, 11:30 p.m. and there were many instances when I came close to falling asleep at the wheel. At such times, even coffee was insufficient to keep me safely awake.
welcome to my world, kind visitor
A wide variety of friends came to our potluck. Some have been here a number of times, but others have never seen a co-op before, and it's always interesting when someone sees a house like ours for the first time. I like to make it an educational experience, with a purpose--i.e. ”The Sofia Museum of Cooperative Living.”