Christmas revisited

Now I am in a faith that has its own religious holidays, and Christmas isn't one of them.  We don't have anything that is similar that occurs around the same time of year.  We celebrate the Birth of the Bab on 20 October and the Birth of Baha'u'llah on 12 November, and we have a time for gift giving during Ayyam-i-ha, which runs from 26 February to 1 March, but that's not considered a holiday.

So then, where does Christmas belong in my heart?

the experience of God?

I must admit that I was a bit nervous about posting that I felt the presence of God while in the Baha'i Temple yesterday.  There's the notion of believing in God, but it feels like I'm walking a razor-thin line when I say that I've experienced God.  That kind of stuff can get you in trouble.  As such, I feel like I need to expound more on this subject.

[co-op name] update, part 1

We talked about the objections to the name change at the house meeting, though almost half the house was absent from that meeting.  We lacked quorum, and as such, could not make any official decisions.  But we talked about the issue and we agreed that we should both talk with the concerned individuals one-on-one and also develop a unified house statement which, unfortunately, we could not develop that evening.

listen, the snow is falling

I walked outside my old co-op house at about 7 p.m. tonight and was delighted to see cascades of snowflakes falling from the sky.  The streetlamps lighting up downtown Madison revealed night air filled with little moving white dots that felt as alive as they were quiet. They were sticking to the ground and making lawns, cars, and rooftops white, but not really accumulating much beyond that.