eve of something, hopefully good

I have always found New Year's Eve to be a slightly surreal experience.  Not necessarily in a bad way.  Time sort of stands still and goes through a transition and at the same time it doesn't.  The divide that establishes the new year, established in the Gregorian calendar (that's the one we all use, in case you didn't know) is, after all, an artificial marker.  The year is very real--it's the time that it takes to go around the sun, but deciding where to mark a complete year is a human decision.  So, in essence, we draw a line, we cross it, and then we celebrate crossing it.

[co-op name] update, part 1

We talked about the objections to the name change at the house meeting, though almost half the house was absent from that meeting.  We lacked quorum, and as such, could not make any official decisions.  But we talked about the issue and we agreed that we should both talk with the concerned individuals one-on-one and also develop a unified house statement which, unfortunately, we could not develop that evening.