I walked into the kitchen and sure enough, on the whiteboard was written in big letters "CAVE DAY!" and underneath, it said, "Temperature 87 degrees, humidity 67%." Yes, the alert had been officially sounded.
more life lessons from a kayak
Waves were now lurching my kayak left and right and I nearly tumbled twice. I paddled furiously. I found myself quite angry at the wind and the waves. At one point, I remember using my paddle to take a good whack at a wave--partially in order to steer my craft, but also because, well, I felt the wave deserved a good whack.
With my left hand I threw the object into the water. There was kind of a nice little arc as it flew--about five feet up in the air, and then the object plunged into the water with a surprisingly satisfying “ker-plunk” about fifteen feet away. I was a little surprised at how loud the “ker-plunk” was—kind of a deep and full noise. There was something that sound that felt very...complete.
summer rain
As I was walking home, it started raining one and a half blocks before I got to my house. I had an umbrella in my backpack, but I opted not to use it. I wanted to have the experience of being rained on. I highly recommend the experience.
wet and woolly wisconsin
Even people not from this area know that southern Wisconsin has been inundated with rain and flooding. What is creepy is how familiar I am with the places affected by the disaster.
the different drummer goes against the grain
A month or two before I started the regimen, I almost returned a belt I'd just bought because it felt a bit too tight. Five months later, I've stopped wearing the belt because it no longer fits me. It's too loose.
invasion of the festival people…do i know you?
The WORT Festival is where these “festival people” first seem to come out of hibernation. Like various mammals native to this area, they’ve shed their winter coats, and walk with a bit of spring in the step, as if a burden had been removed from their shoulders.
exile on Mifflin Street
Ah yes, the first weekend in May. Once again, it is time for the Mifflin Street Block Party, In this time-honored outdoor neighborhood event, undergraduate students celebrate the approaching end of the semester by partaking of spirits, and spreading, er, good cheer amongst themselves and their neighbors.
I usually pray for heavy thunderstorms.
shaken, not stirred? no…i was stirred by the shaking
It seems that along with tourists and traffic, earthquakes are another gift bestowed upon Wisconsinites from their flatland neighbor to the south
where have our free and fair elections gone?
Let’s think about this. If someone resorts to soundbites that distort the issues rather enlighten the public, can we really trust such a person to govern honestly, fairly, and on behalf of all people? Quite frankly, I don’t. But there seem to be very few campaigns that avoid such tactics these days.