Ben_Frieden / Pixabay I thought it would be great to restart a blog during the six hours that the "leap days" on the Western and Baha'i calendars overlap. Ayyam-i-ha on the Baha'i calendar refers to days that don't belong to any of the other nineteen months (of nineteen days each)--they are extra days (four most … Continue reading the way things are meant to be?
a break from blogging–i’ve already slowed down, so I’ve just decided to stop…for now…
There are many things I wish to tell you, but I cannot bear to post them right now.
as the elements rearrange themselves…
There is always a stretch of a few days sometime in September when the wind more than just blows and where the clouds do more than just pass over.
time to be hazy and lazy (my head rises, temporarily, from the books within which it has been buried)
I've just finished my ten-week statistics course. Well, sort of--I still have one last paper due next week. I took my final exam last Thursday night, and now I'm giving myself permission to slow down and relax.
graduate school daze, part too
Before class started, I remember wondering what I should bring to class with me. A spiral notebook? A three ring binder? A Trapper Keeper? I agonized over whether I should bring my laptop to class and whether I could simultaneously take notes and check Facebook at the same time like any good Gen-Y'er.
graduate school daze
The UW isn't that much bigger than the University of Illinois where I got my bachelor's degree, but somehow it feels more intimidating. Either that or I just didn't worry as much the first time around. In any case I feel like a freshman at 43 and need one of those kind-hearted guides in the red Wisconsin t-shirts to guide this scared little puppy through the system.
shonen knife jelly bean staying power (how could you NOT uka-boo?)
I don't think that even Johnny Rotten could have imagined the rather warped directions that three Japanese women would take the punk rock genre
wwjsd? (what would Joe Strummer do?)
Some musings on the eve of Sarah Palin's visit to Madison...
welcome to Windows. can i interest you in a happy meal?
My intention from day one was to establish a dual boot between Windows and Ubuntu, and I finally had it set up this past weekend. Now I have the dual boot installed so I can have the best of both worlds--use Ubuntu for my regular needs and Windows if I absolutely must.
the smell of wood smoke on the clothes is back
Tonight I looked outside my bedroom window and saw a familiar orange glow in our backyard that I hadn't seen in several months. Yes, it was true--two housemates had brought out the fire pit and had started our first backyard fire of the year.