media coverage of Lisa Nowak is childish

But what’s with the diaper—that is, the media’s obsession with the diaper that Nowak reportedly wore during the 900-mile drive from Texas to Florida?  Why does the public need to know about the diaper? How relevant and important is it in the whole scheme of things compared to the actual charge of attempted murder? Why did police choose to share that information and why did reporters choose to relay that to the public?

a Walgreens toy frog that might scare Miss Piggy

So my co-worker has this frog that says "Ribbit," and then emits this cartoonish, hysterical, and yes, somewhat maniacal laughter that can be heard across the room.  I think it just lasts thirty seconds, but it seems a lot longer because it just keeps on going and going and going.  Upon hearing this laughter, my first reaction was, "Okay, what kind of mind would conjure up the notion of a frog laughing so hard that it would sound like a screeching monkey?"  My second reaction was, "Bartender, I'll have what the amphibian is having."